LexLS.com: The Ultimate in LS400 DIY

Welcome to LexLS.com, the ultimate Lexus LS400 DIY resource! The goal is to provide a comprehensive source of information and web resources. Most importantly are my in depth how to do-it-yourself picture tutorials. Save money by doing things yourself. Most of my tutorials are not that difficult and they can be done with basic tools. This site is continuously under development so please check back often for new material.
Most of the information on this site applies to first generation (1990-1994) LS400's but newer LS's will also benifit as the design was very similar and the engine didn't change until the genIII. I am providing this information FREE of charge.
The tutorials listed on this site have taken me a significant amount of time to put together. They can potentially save you hundreds,
if not thousands, of dollars. It takes time and money to keep LexLS.com up, running, and alive so if you haven't already, please make
a donation. Donations are greatly appreciated and motivate me to keep adding more.
- 02/25/18 - Some of you may be wondering why this site hasn't been updated in about 5 years. The biggest reason is that I haven't been an LS owner since 2010. The next biggest thing is that I have two kids that demand lots of attention! Today I cleaned up the links page, removing many that were dead or have changed.
- 06/01/13 - LexLS.com is 10 YEARS OLD - a DECADE online!!! In celebration of this awesome event I have a new tutorial!!!: How to repair partially illuminated/lit instrument cluster needles. User submitted and LexLS edited, this is a big one because it just happens with age. Even though I don't own an LS anymore the site is still going strong and I plan on keeping it online.
- 03/03/13 - While cleaning up my office I stumbled upon an LS article I cut out of Modified Luxury & Exotics magazine (no longer published) years ago from their 2008/08 issue. Check the info section for a new PDF "Redefining Luxury."
- 03/07/12 - New article: How to find parts for your LS400. Found some good stuff while digging through my folders. More to come when I find time!
- 12/03/11 - Added social networking buttons to all relavant pages and all tutorials. If you find any of my site interesting or helpful please click "like" or similar buttons to share! I also added more direct product links to Amazon.com in the tutorials.
- 06/26/11 - Cleaned up some dead links on links page.
- 11/28/10 - Sad news, I no longer own my LS! Read/comment here. I am NOT taking the site down due to this bad news and still have a few more tutorials to put together.
- 03/13/10 - A LexLS visitor put together a LS430 timing belt tutorial.
- 11/07/08 - LS460 review from CarSeek.com.
- 06/23/08 - New tutorial: How to remove the power steering pump.
- 01/15/08 - I have updated the info section with many new LS links thanks to all the ClubLexus members for helping me out!
- 01/03/08 - Happy New Year! As a new years "gift" to everyone I have put together a small collection of articles and links to commercials related to LS's here. If anyone has links to others please email me and I'll get them added. I know there are plenty more LS commercials out there somewhere and LOT's of articles!